Slug from CRAZY FISH, primarily designed for fishing with a drop shot .
This lure has a few features which make it successful for drop shot fishing and other fishing techniques. Weighted tail works brilliantly at the slightest movement of the bait, creating a “tasty” shakes, imitating real fry, it provokes an attack from any predators nearby. As well as drop shot technique you can use it with common jig rigs closer to the bottom or in mid water. But if you use it without weight on the water surface the lure makes amazing glides from side to side, resembling motion of minnow wobbler. It is our first lure which is available in two different materials – floating and slow sinking. These features make it a really versatile bait that can be used on a jig head, a dropshot rig, or any predator set up. In the back of the bait there is a recess for rigging with offset hook. The optimum hook size for the 55 mm model is 10, for the 90mm model is size 2 or 4, and for 120mm is 3/0 and 4/0. GLIDER contains na ith real squid oil which trigger the genetic response in all game fish to attack.